Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nothing New Under The Sun...

Well, I've heard it all now...you've got to be fucking kidding me...I'm mean, really. It seems that there are conservative voters out there who are disputing Barack Obama's place of birth. They are known as "Birthers" and they allege that the president was not born in the U.S., presumably because he has a foreign-sounding name, and again presumably because "he don't look like us'n." Even more incredible is the fact that these people have some backing in Congress, at least on the face of it...and none of those Congress people want to talk about it, while they are being hounded by reporters. I suspect it's that these politicians just CAN'T piss off ANY constituents no matter how wacky their voters' viewpoint is...it's just not in their genetic makeup to tell a voter, "well no, you're wrong. He has a birth certificate to prove that he was born in Honolulu, Hawai'i ." These politicians don't have the balls (or in some cases, the ovaries) to say these words.

And this kind of muckraking is not new with the Republican party. They did it most recently in Clinton's administrations. Granted, old Bill gave us all enough sexual fodder for a thousand porn websites and a million jokes, but the GOP was not able to come up with any evidence of any malfeasance of his office...unlike a previous notorious Mr. R. M. Nixon. And Newt Gingrich was on the verge of stroke and heart attack every single day he was in office, trying to come up with something, anything, to torch the Democrats with...and he couldn't do it. It was ironic that he was later found out to be an adulterer, a philanderer, and a liar, but of course he was lily-white, wasn't he?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Perid of Adjustment vs. Rude Awakening

Okay, now the buzz on the street is that we're going to take a permanent hit on standard of living. Ok. Yeah. First we spend too much, then we borrow too much, and then we keep on spending and borrowing...this has been going on for as long as I've been alive (shut up!). But I've always had this little nagging suspicion that the situation can't last forever. There are no more worlds to conquer on this planet...there is no more wild Frontier...there is no more Westward expansion and no more "manifest destiny". We're done.
Right alongside of that is...THERE IS NO MORE EVER-EXPANDING ECONOMY. We live on a finite planet with finite resources...everything we need/want is right here. It can't be used up and thrown away...because there is no more. Once it is used up and thrown away...it's gone. UNLESS, we re-cycle. And even if we re-cycle, we use up resources...just different ones from the original older cycles. It changes at each iteration. Eventually, we reach a point of diminishing returns where even re-cycling isn't sufficient anymore. When that happens we have to CHANGE OUR PARADIGM. This means we have to discard outmoded ideas...ideas that don't work anymore in the face of the current reality.
If we want to survive as a species, we have to stop fucking with each other. Politics will have to change. Personal conduct will have to change. We have to stop using and abusing, drugs, alcohol, ourselves, each other. Somewhere out here is a psychiatrist putting a gun to his head because he can't take it anymore. He has failed and he knows it. Somewhere out here is a politician who is too stupid, greedy, and selfish to do the same. He, apparently, needs a little help.
When I said we have to stop fucking with each other, I also meant it literally. At least until we get everybody all the birth control help they can possibly use. Again, it has to do with using up our finite resources. Too many people spoil the broth. But if we don't want to listen, just wait a while. Plagues and famine will take care of the problem...Gaiea always resets herself when things get out of balance. Mostly to the detriment of all the current species...so, no worries, mate. Order will be restored. All will be right with the universe once again. We just won't be around.

Not if we don't change our ways.